Reunion Planning Committee:
John Blomquist
Jim Ege
Pam Lindquist Mettee
Mike Sauter
Doug Sivertsen
Contact the Committee by email at:
or by individual's email above.
Click below to find us on Facebook
Molinehigh Sixtyseven
The Committee needs your assistantance to find classmates listed on the Missing Page.
If you have any information - click link on right below, and use the form, or send an email to:
We appreciate any help you can give us!
Be sure the committee has your current information -
by clicking the link on the left below.
November 2024
Our 75th shared Birthday Party events were a hit. If you weren't there, you missed a great time.
There are plans to have a 60th reunion in 3 years (2027) hope you join us there.
The committee had an idea idea for people to send in photos of their creative activities - painting, photography, sculpture. But those who responded made it a BETTER idea by expanding it to include people, places, activities, and things that bring them joy and pleasure. Well done, classmates!
In addition to marvelous examples of creativity, we have submissions of photos and text that push beyond art to our lives. And the submitters include classmates who don't come to reunions (although we wish they would!) as well as regular attendees.
Below is the slide show that resulted... the show moves on it's own. If you want to stop the show, move your mouse pointer inside the slide, - on a phone or touch computer touch inside the slide. To start the show again, move your mouse outside of the slide or touch outside the slide.